Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life Updates

*My blog is two month old

*D. and I are almost one month old (only!...)

*Sisi is feeling better, she is back to normal, I would say that she is back to being a crazy little rabbit doing silly things - grrrrr mad - but an ear infection can come back anytime so, we will be watching her carefully

*I have been given advice about my CV that I changed quite much, let's hope it will be productive

*The idea of moving from here where I have been living for the past 25 years is still scary but I will have the whole month to get used to it

*I have been against moving in with a boyfriend for a long time but surprisingly, I am eager to be moving with D.! biggrin

*The good thing about moving is that you HAVE to tidy and sort out all your personal stuff! wink

*This week is the first one D. and I are apart for so long, we will see how it goes

*The good thing about not being home much is that I do not have sweet stuff and biscuits to eat between meals mrgreen

*We are 2 weeks and a half away from the surprise weekend when D. will take me somewhere

*Yesterday, I put heavier weights for the second time at the Body Pump course, I am proud of me (and my muscles lol) razz

*D. should have his moto back from the garage in less than 2 weeks, I cannot wait for it! I miss riding a moto (or at least being a passenger) so much!

*Last Sunday, we had a very nice afternoon at the Musée Rodin, it was the only sunny day within these successive rainy and stormy days (pictures posted on Shoot a Life!)


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the tidying is always the best part of moving house. The nasty thing is that you gather a whole lot of clutter again once's you've moved.

I'm so happy for you and D that things are going so well! I'll go check your other blog now...


P said...

Glad you are happy!!! :)

Marianne said...

I agree about the tidying- nothing like having to label your stuff in boxes to clear some space! It is great news about you and D- hope it continues well - can't wait to hear about the surprise weekend! x M

Contented Single said...

I have been away for a while and so much has happened for you. Good for you!

Laura Jane Williams said...

You are alive! Thank God! Good luck with your move!

girlwiththemask x