Saturday, May 10, 2008

A lovely unexpectedly Friday at the seaside

It seems I can't find another subject to talk about right now. Mainly because quite a lot has been happening this week but also because there is nothing else that deserved to be talked about lately.

Yesterday, I was supposed to spend the afternoon in Paris with D.
I took the train to his place to have lunch together. Meeting your new boyfriend's apartment for the first time is very important because it gives you lots of information about his personality, his tastes, his habits, etc. I think I have never seen such a nice male apartment! The most important is that, when he arrived, last year, everything had to be done (walls, floor, plumbing...), he lives, like most of his colleagues, in his work's barracks, it is free from rent so why say no. I really like what he has done with the kitchen, very functional, the living room's decoration is simple so far but unisex and imaginative, the bedroom is also simple but very cosy.

After lunch, he asked me:

- "When was the last time you went to the seaside?"

-"hum, last July"

-"well, okay, would you like to go now?"

Few minutes later, we were in the car, heading to Honfleur, near Deauville, on the North-West side of France, 1h30 away from Paris. We ate in a Crêperie next to the port, had a walk near the seaside and took advantage of the hot and sunny afternoon. Unfortunately, at the end of the afternoon, there was a storm so we did not stay longer and went back home.

I had planned to go home in the evening because he is working today from 7am to 7am tomorrow.

He made us dinner - and he knows quite some about cooking too! - and in the evening, he proposed me to stay for the night but I could not unless I had some personal stuff with me and so he proposed to drive home and get back at his place as - at this time of the night - our homes are only 25min away by car. I could also take care of Sisi by the same occasion.

This morning, I left around 9am to go home, I had the vet appointment at 10:30am.

I went and said a little Goodbye to D. and give him his keys. Did you know that you are not supposed to kiss too much (one is already not very welcome) when you are wearing an official/state uniform? Very frustrating! By the way, some men are very good looking with suits and uniforms!wink

Tomorrow morning, I am driving over there, then we'll see.

Yesterday, he told me something about this registration on the dating site. We could have never met. He registered after a bet with some colleagues (thanks guys!) and was not planning to stay more than a month or two but he forgot to cancel his registration in March, then he left for vacation last month and forgot again, he had plan to cancel it when back to Paris, what a chance he wrote to me before that!

To answer the title of my last post: it may!


Ninie said...

Bah dis donc, celui-là tu le gardes!!!!
Profites-en ma Tata, tu l'as bien mérité!
Gros bisous et continue ton blog parce que chaque jour je me régale à lire tes nouveaux articles (même si c'est en anglais, et c'est pas plus mal, ça me fait bosser comme ça ^^)

Frogmae said...

ah ben tant mieux, si ça te divertie, jsuis contente que tu participes à cette expérience... et puis oui, l'anglais ça me fait moi même aussi pas mal progresser, le fait de le lire et de l'écrire ;)

Frogmae said...

et oui, j'espère bien le garder! la journée d'aujourd'hui a encore été très bonne, sujet d'un prochain post =)