Monday, February 02, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Last time it snowed in Paris, the weekend after New Year's Eve, I was away at my grandparents' house in the South West of France and the only thing I enjoyed from the snow was an hour delay on the arrival time of the train in Paris in the evening...

When I got up this morning, it was snowing again and the snow has let a thin white coat in the city so far and it has been said that it has been snowing all over the North part of France.

I just dream about a big amount of snow now! mrgreen


Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful!

They expect snow here too, and I just looked outside and it has actually started snowing!! :)

Penelope said...

Lucky you! I can admit that I am jealous! Here where am I there is much sun!!! Time for swimming xx

Penelope said...

I wrote a comment but i think is lost in the cyberspace! Nice pictures though